Damnation’s Door by Amy Braun

It’s the conclusion of the Cursed Series trilogy by Amy Braun! After going through, literally, Hell on Earth with friends such as Connie, Dro, Warrick, Max, and Sephiel, it’s so hard to say goodbye. I hope our band of demon slayers can find just a little bit of happiness and peace here at the end.

FTC Notice: This book was provided free in exchange for an honest review. This is no way impacts my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000037_00035]Title:  Damnation’s Door
Author:  Amy Braun
SeriesCursed Series, Book 3
Publish Date:  June 7, 2016
Genre:  Urban Fantasy
Source: Provided by the author

Publisher’s DescriptionDemons are free. Angels are fallen. Hope is dying…

Constance Ramirez and her adopted sister, Andromeda, have stopped Lucifer’s plan– They have closed the Heaven Gate and kept the demons out. But their choice came with brutal consequences, and now every angel on earth is trapped in their mortal body.

All that remains is closing the Hell Gate and establishing a balance once and for all. That means returning to the city of Constance’s nightmares, which has become a haven for murderers and monsters. But even more dangerous than their hunt is that Andromeda’s powers and instincts are turning darker, and this time Constance doesn’t know how to protect her.

Constance is ready to fight for her life, but her enemies have plans she can’t begin to imagine, and they’re prepared to make her suffer…

Trust is lost and hearts are broken in the epic conclusion in Amy Braun’s Cursed trilogy…

Possible spoilers beyond this point.

Nervous_Nellie_100Nervous Nellie says…

This is an urban fantasy. Two kick ass sisters fighting for their lives. No sex, some violence. Conclusion to the trilogy, which is difficult in itself. Realistic ending though neither heroine dies, I am relieved to report.

This was a hard book to read for me. Firstly, it’s the ending of a series, which is difficult in itself. Secondly, Andromeda is not exactly the good sister. Connie is obligated to save her according to her own code. Everything that is to fear is coming to Connie. She has to return to where her Blood Thorn beginnings started. It’s a scary place for Connie and she is even more afraid for her sister.

badge4v4I was not disappointed in this book, but the story was dark. It marked a certain amount of reality and neither Constance or her sister, Andromeda, will come out of unscathed. The death and destruction wasn’t a shock, but the pain that Constance has to endure has got to scar her for life.

The story is well written and the characters are very well developed. Author Braun really knows her way around a written word as she is an incredible writer. I will be honest that this series left me melancholy. The writing was great, it’s just that the characters had a realistic ending instead of an elated, super pumped victory. I’m not a super fan of reality but I am looking forward to reading Amy Braun’s next series.

Invested_Ivana_100Invested Ivana says…

What drew me to this book: The fantastic cover of Book 1, Demon’s Daughter (by Deranged Doctor Designs), and a polite request from the author, turned me on to the Cursed Series. Now that the end is here, there is no way I’d miss the final installment!

Why I kept reading: Damnation’s Door is intense! There is a lot of hand-to-hand combat in the streets of Juárez, where our band of demon hunters are searching for Lucifer and his minions. Each character suffers through a trial of betrayal and loyalty, putting their personal strengths and beliefs to the test. The level of drama is sufficiently epic, considering this isn’t just a battle for each person’s life, but also a battle for the fate of the world.

There are also some tender moments. Throughout the series, you wonder if Constance is too broken by her experiences to truly open up to other people. Not only has she suffered massive amounts of psychological trauma (and she’s not even 21!), but surely she has some severe traumatic brain injury going on from all fighting she does. So seeing the tender moments between her and the other characters is very rewarding.

badge4v4Why I recommend it: The Cursed series is definitely one to read for fans of urban fantasy and the serious side of TV’s Supernatural. It is dark and somber, without much of the snarkiness you see in some UF offerings; but, the relationships between characters—particularly Connie and her sister, Dro—are complex and poignant. I can’t help but invest emotionally in these folks and their trials, and inevitably count them my friends.

Our reviews in this series…

Other reviews…

Damnation’s Door releases on June 7, so be sure to watch Amazon, Goodreads, and your favorite review sites for other reviews. 🙂

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FTC Notice: This book was provided free in exchange for an honest review. This is no way impacts my opinion of the book or the content of my review.


About Invested Ivana

I'm an adult learning professional, a book blogger at One Book Two, and lifetime reader. I like geeky things. All opinions expressed on this site are my own and do not reflect the opinions of my employers, my clients, the other reviewers on this site, or this site as a whole.

Posted on May 30, 2016, in All Reviews and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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